Hello! I’m Kes Otter Lieffe.
I’m the author of four speculative fiction novels including the Margins trilogy, several short stories, and a colouring book series. I write non-fiction on class and queer ecology. I regularly offer workshops, book readings and interviews. And I’ve recently started offering editing services.
I’m an ecologist and I’ve been involved in grassroots community struggles for over twenty years. My work focuses on the intersections of class, queerness and environmental struggles and creating radical alternatives to the oppressions of capitalism.
I write and organise from a working-class, chronically ill, transfeminine perspective.
New Releases
I’ve started releasing new articles on the subjects closest to my heart – queer ecology, class, social movements and nature connection. I’ll release a new article on the first of each month.
Queere Tiere
Now available! / Jetzt erhältlich!
Queer Animals colouring zine, now available in German
Queere Tiere Malbuch, jetzt auch auf Deutsch erhältlich
Home is a verb
This new novel explores burnout and despair, collective collapse and recovery. In a shifting world, marginalised characters must face their traumas and embrace change. In their search for healing, they are brought together, finding home in the least expected of places.
Newsletter ✏️
If you’d like to receive a newsletter once a month around the full moon, you can sign up at the bottom of the page.
You’ll also receive a welcome gift 🩷
Speculative Fiction
In my futuristic stories, marginalised characters take centre stage in powerful resistance movements. Everything is at stake and so much is possible.
Queer Ecology
I’m an ecologist and the author of the Queer Animals and Plants series.
I give workshops and write articles on the subject.
Hier findest du der deutschsprachige Ecke meiner Website mit Übersetzungen meiner Texte und eine Podcast-folge auf Deutsch
News and updates
Queer Ecology articles 🌿
I’ve started releasing new articles on some of the subjects closest to my heart – queer ecology, class, social movements and nature connection.
I’ll release a new article on the first of each month.
Audiobook 🎤
I’ve started recording an audiobook version of home is a verb, my new novel. You can listen to the first half an hour of recording.
And if you want to read along, you can download the text here.
I’m now offering editing services! This winter I had the honour of editing this important new book from Nicole Rose.
I have a media page and bio and you can contact me here.
I write a monthly newsletter about my writing and activism work.
If you find value in my work and would to help me keep creating, there are lots of ways to support me.
Creating becomes ever harder to live from and as a result there are fewer working-class authors each year.
I love my work. I want to continue to raise money for work that is literally part of a better world. I want to amplify marginalised voices, run workshops and create sustainable solidarity initiatives that meet people’s material needs. And I want to keep writing!
If you’ve ever benefited from my work and would like to support me, here is a list of fourteen ideas, including two minute actions that don’t cost anything. Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me on this journey since 2016. You are all amazing.