
It has been such an honour and joy to work with Nicole Rose this winter on her new book, Herbalism and State Violence. I’ve been editing for friends for years, but this was the first time I got to work on a whole manuscript, and to help get the project over the line. And what a manuscript! Every page of this book feels crucially important to this time. It was the book I needed, maybe you need it too.

I’m excited to do more editing work and will be taking a proof-reading course soon to get skilled up.

Feel free to get in touch if you’re looking for help with your book projects 🩷

Testimonial from Nicole Rose:
Working with Kes was such a fantastic experience. I’d been trying to finish my book for more than 3 years but was getting nowhere fast. Kes supported me via online calls to help clarify my content and structure getting it done! As someone with dyslexia, writing can be a challenge. Kes supported me via online calls letting me “splurge”, then editing the transcript into something useable that I could work with.

Having someone edit your work can be a sensitive process, which more often than not can feel disempowering. Kes was the opposite – the more she edited my work, the more confident I became. Her edits were like a lesson in the English language, where grammar came to life and I started to understand how to improve my writing.

She also approached my writing with care and tenderness, especially when the content was very personal. She encouraged me as a femme to stop apologising for existing and filling my book with disclaimers and actually start filling my pages with a lot more confidence. She made me feel like “fuck yeah” I actually know what I’m talking about and should own it. I called her my “book domme” as she balanced what was going on in my life and needs like renegotiating deadlines etc with just like let’s get it done, let’s drop this part, be kind to yourself here etc. For anyone who needs someone skilled as an editor and writer yet sensitive and supportive, as well as just an organised and efficient book domme, Kes is for you!!! I could not recommend her highly enough and investing in her support made all the difference in completing my book and getting it out into the world.”