Jump straight to my Patreon or read on for some ways to support my work.
There are a thousand places for us to put our energy, a million important ways to give our time, but if you’ve ever benefited from my work and would like to support me, here is a list of ideas, including two minute actions that don’t cost anything.
Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me on this journey since 2016. You are all amazing. 💕

Financial support
- you can support me on Patreon (more details below)
- or send a one off donation to my coffee fund ☕️
Leaving reviews
Reviews have made so much difference to getting the books, zines and podcast to the people who benefit from them
- you can leave reviews for my podcast wherever you listen to it
- you can leave reviews for my books or zines online. Goodreads is a good place to start. You can also visit Amazon, search for Kes Otter Lieffe and leave your review.
Other ways to support
Without social media or a promotional budget, word of mouth has alway been the way that people find out about my work
- you can tell your friends about my work
- or buy them a book or zine
- you can share the resources page and let me know if there’s a resource I should add there
- you can give this support page a shout out on social media or share the cute image below
- you can request my books or zines at libraries and bookstores or just let them know that they exist
Get in touch …
- if you’d like to host a reading, a workshop, or a speaking event
- if you can offer things like: design support, web support, book distribution, book promotion, admin assistance, publishing advice etc – I need it all really 🙂
- if you know any shops that might like to stock my books and zines
- if you know any podcasts that might like to host me (or you can send them my media page)
- if you can think of other ways to support
Why am I asking for support?
Creating becomes ever harder to live from and as a result there are fewer working-class authors each year.
I love my work. I want to continue to raise money for work that is literally part of a better world. I want to amplify marginalised voices, run workshops and create sustainable solidarity initiatives that meet people’s material needs. And I want to keep writing!
If you’ve ever benefited from my work and would like to support me, here is a list of fourteen ideas, including two minute actions that don’t cost anything. Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me on this journey since 2016. You are all amazing.