Online writing workshop. Sunday, February 6th 2022.
3-4.30pm CET
Sign up for this event using the form below
![Writing from the Margins: searching for utopia
Sometimes stories awaken the imagination much more than a manifesto. What if we just had the space to dream?
In this workshop, Kes Otter Lieffe, author of the Margins trilogy, will share some of her writing techniques and hold a creative space for dreaming and writing. Kes will invite us to dive into our visions of resistance and utopia and to turn some of those images into writing and maybe even action.
Online. Sunday, February 6th
3pm CET](
No experience of fiction writing is necessary to participate. The safety and comfort of participants will be a priority throughout. During the workshop, participants are invited to share their work in small groups but at no point will there be pressure to do so.
For more on the origin of the workshop, see my article on utopia and speculative fiction published by Strange Horizons