This page is intended as a constantly growing resource to highlight the work of grassroots projects/collectives/individuals doing important work that often goes under the radar. I hope you find something useful here. Many of the resources here have been suggested by people in my communities – please get in touch if you have a grassroots resource that you think might be a good fit here.
I also have a queer ecology resource list.

Here are some of the beautiful projects I’ve had the opportunity to work with in the last few years. Every one of them is doing critical work. Please check them out and support where you can.
aequa – a community for social equity working on mutual support, collective empowerment and collaborative action in Berlin, Germany
Black and Pink – a national US prison abolitionist organization dedicated to abolishing the criminal punishment system and liberating LGBTQIA2S+ people and people living with HIV/AIDS who are affected by that system through advocacy, support, and organizing.
Books Beyond Bars UK – a collective of volunteers who send books and other educational materials, free of charge, to incarcerated LGBTQIA+ people across the United Kingdom.
Hydra Café – a space in Berlin by, and for, s-x workers. Multi-lingual workshops and meeting spaces.
LGBT Books to Prisoners – a donation-funded, volunteer-run organization based in Wisconsin, USA, that sends books and other educational materials, free of charge, to incarcerated LGBTQ people across the United States.
Pin Primrose – Queer and trans-centred herbalism and (online) breathwork.
Solidarity Apothecary – materially supporting revolutionary struggles and communities with plant medicines to strengthen collective autonomy, self-defence and resilience to climate change, capitalism and state violence.
SWARM – a collective founded and led by s-x workers who believe in self-determination, solidarity and co-operation.
Trans*fabel – Bücher und Kunstprodukte, die verdeutlichen & feiern, dass es mehr als zwei Geschlechter.
Transgender Europe – Umbrella trans organisation with 200 member organisations in 48 different countries in Europe and Central Asia
Yarrow Magdalena – queer-centred consultation and loving guidance for small businesses. Also the Embodied Business Podcast.
And a big thanks to designers, Zoe Langer and Eno Liedtke who designed my book covers!
Trans resources
Competent Care for Transgender, GenderQueer and Non-Binary Folks – A Resource for Herbalists and other Practitioners. Curated by Clinical Herbalists Vilde Chaya Fenster-Ehrlich and Larken Bunce.
Flirt – Front Transfem – collectif d’aide mutuelle, mené par des femmes trans, entre personnes handi, tds, migrantes et/ou précarisées
Oestrogeneration – a magazine platform highlighting trans-feminine voices in the UK
Sylvia Rivera Law Project – New York based organisation working on access to care, quality of care and larger issues of self-determination.
Trans Equity Consulting – committed to building the leadership of trans women of color, and to the centering of sex workers, immigrants and incarcerated peoples as experts in creating a more just world. Developing LGBTQ affirming services, establishing genuine equity in the workplace, and shepherding in new generations of change makers.
Transgrrrls – collectif de femmes trans, d’auto-support et transféministe. Par des meufs trans, pour les meufs trans
Trans Safety Emergency Fund – emergency Support for Trans People. The Trans Safety Emergency Fund (TSEF) provides uncomplicated, direct help for Housing, Health & Education.
Berlin resources
Berlin Collective Action – Berlin Collective Action e.V. exists to give support and aid to those most impacted by risk and violence in Berlin, as a result of COVID-19 and its egregious economic aftermath. S-x worker centred.
Trans* S-xworks – a project by and for trans, inter and non-binary s-x workers
Bodywork resources
Radical Bodywork Network – a resource for bodyworkers and holistic practitioners working in the context of social justice and for people mobilising for societal change who want to bring more somatic practices into their work.
Prison resources
Bent Bars – a letter-writing project for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, gender-variant, intersex, and queer prisoners in Britain
Bent Bars Trans Prisoner info sheets:
- Info sheet 1. Issues faced by Trans, Non-binary and Gender non-conforming people in prison
- Info sheet 2. Frequently Asked Questions
- Info sheet 3. Solidarity / Things you can do
- Toolkit. A prisoner’s guide to Trans rights
Community Action on Prison Expansion – a network of grassroots groups fighting prison expansion in England, Wales and Scotland.
Haven Distribution – assisting prisoners since 1996 by purchasing educational books for those who wish to use their time in custody effectively, through the pursuit of lifelong learning.
Other resources
Big Door Brigade – what is mutual aid?
Kai Cheng Thom – incredible writer performer and cultural worker. Facilitation, conflict resolution
Mutual Aid Disaster Relief – a grassroots disaster relief network based on the principles of solidarity, mutual aid, and autonomous direct action
Sp!t – the Sp!t is a queerfeminist space, collaboration and platform for art, activism, learning, exchange, film and life itself