Queer Animals Colouring Zine – supporting Solidarity Apothecary

Queer Animals Colouring Zine – supporting Solidarity Apothecary

From: 5.00

Queer Animals colouring zine!

Lesbian lizards, gay giraffes, bisexual red deer and sex-changing clownfish. This is the second edition of Queer Animals, celebrating the diversity of animals and the ways in which our beautiful queer communities exist far beyond the realms of human culture.

So many of us grew up with wildlife programmes and school biology classes that never once mention these aspects of life on Earth. A male meets a female, seduces her with his bright feathers or funky dance and they very quickly mate – and that’s it. The implication has always been that that the whole point of life is to make little baby animals and there is nothing in the great natural world that might challenge the cis-het norms of biologists.

This entertaining and educational resource, created by ecologist Kes Otter Lieffe, and richly illustrated by Anja Van Geert, liberates this knowledge and helps free us all to be our true selves.

40 pages

€1 from the sale of this zine will be donated to Solidarity Apothecary, materially supporting revolutionary struggles and communities with plant medicines.

39 in stock


Solidarity pricing

I really want to keep my prices as accessible as possible. If you’re in a position to, you can add a few euros donation to the product price and help support my work.  Thank you! 🩷

Shipping information here

Also available in the UK: here

According to Germany’s small business regulation – § 19 UStG – no sales tax is charged and this is also not shown.  Gemäß § 19 UStG wird keine Umsatzsteuer erhoben und diese auch nicht ausgewiesen (Kleinunternehmer*innenregelung).


Additional information

Weight 0.06 kg
Dimensions 21.0 × 14.8 × 0.3 cm